What is a color box?
A color box is a one piece pad and holder unit that stores a reservoir of ink. It is disposable when finished and
cannot be re-inked. It can only be used for 6 and 7 wheel machines.
What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 color boxes?
Type 1 (B2) color boxes are for Reiner’s 6 and 7 wheel deluxe machines.
Type 2 (B6) color boxes are for all Reiner’s 6 and 7 wheel economy machines.
My numbering machine came with a pre-inked pad. Can I purchase a replacement pre-inked pad?
If your machine has 8 wheels or more, it may have been pre-inked at the factory, but only dry pads are
available for replacement.
My customer threw away the pad and doesn’t know the model of his machine. Help!
Just have him look at the number engraved on the side of the pad holder and you can look up the pad
category on the back of our price list.
# on side of pad holder
Pad category
231091 35
*All new machines that formerly took CAT20 and have "N" on side of frame now take CAT25.
What is the warranty on your automatic numbering and dating machines?
Our machines carry a warranty of 3 months on labor and 1 year on parts.
What should I know if my customer wants to put letters on a numbering machine?
Any number wheel can be replaced with a letter wheel except for the first unit position on the right,
the action wheel, which enables the number wheels to move automatically. That position can have
a letter only if the machine is custom made in Reiner’s factory in Germany (fax request for quote
and lead time).
We have short stock letter wheels (10 letters and 2 blank spaces) and long stock letter wheels
(12 letters). Short wheels available: A-J, K-T, S-Z.
Long wheels available: A-M (no letter I) and N-Z (no letter O)
Letter wheels are not automatic.
Your customer would select the letter he wants to print and set
it in place. The letter will not change until such time that the user changes it.
What if my customer wants to print a configuration of letters not available on your stock letter wheels?
Custom engraved wheels are available. You may select any 12 letters. If you want a blank space, let us
know and we will grind off one field so that it does not leave a shadow.
What is a drop cipher?
Most of our machines have a drop cipher, enabling you to depress a wheel so that it prints as a blank.
Letter wheels do not have a drop cipher. All number wheels have a drop cipher except for the unit position
on the far right.
What if my customer is giving me specs that don’t seem to fit any machine in your catalog?
Fax us all the information you have. We do not quote over the phone. You will have a response from us
within 24 hours unless it is necessary for us to request information from Reiner in Germany.
When should I recommend quick dry ink?
Quick dry ink is recommended when your customer will be stamping a slick surface such as coated
paper, plastic, glass, or metal. In some of these cases we would also suggest using a rubber face machine.
How do I get a machine repaired?
Either you or your customer should send the machine in need of repair with a description of the problem,
to A to Z. If your customer is sending it in, he must indicate your company name, too. We will call YOU with
the estimate (if the machine is out of warranty) so that you can quote your customer. Then let us know if we
should ship the repaired machine back to you or directly to your customer. By the way, there is no charge
for the estimate.
What are some important definitions regarding numbering machines?
Die Plate – This is a plate attached to numbering machine which contains Static information including TEXT, LOGOS and Designs.
Numbering Machine Size – This refers to the size/height of the characters and how many wheels are on the stamp. For example ½ inch high and 8 wheels or characters wide.
Numbering Machine Style – This refers to the character appearance or font type of the impression typed.
Bates Stamps – Number Machine are often referred to as Bates Stamps because the numbering system used was designed by Bates Numbering Machines.
Drop Zero – A function of a numbering machine which allows the stamp to either print beginning with zero’s (000044) or drop the zero and print with leading blank spaces ( 44).
Can you put letters on a numbering machine?
Any number wheel can be replaced with a letter wheel except for the first unit position on the right, the action wheel, which enables the number wheels to move automatically.
Letter wheels come in short stock (10 letters and 2 blank spaces) and long stock (12 letters).
Short wheels available: A-J, K-T, S-Z
Long wheels available: A-M (no letter I0 and N-Z (no letter O)
Letter wheels are not automatic. You must select the letter you want and set it in place. This letter will not change until user changes it.
Custom engraved wheels also available.
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