RIBtype® Single Sorts
RIBtype “sorts” are individual RIBtype characters can be ordered when only a few characters are required. A sort is a single letter, number or keyboard symbol that are used to create words, codes, dates, and messages. The number "4" and the letter "J" are samples of sorts. When uncertain of the size or typestyle, it is best to supply an unused character with a distinct top and bottom (A, P, R, 4, 5). Logotype or Logos
When ordering RIBtype Single Sorts please specify the letter, number, type style font and size desired:
Type Styles: RIBtype ribbed rubber type sets are stocked in our four most popular styles; A, regular; B, condensed; U, bold and G, bold condensed.
Sizes: Type sets are available in sizes ranging in 1/16” increments from; 1/16" to 2" in height. Most sizes are usually in stock and ready for shipment the next day.
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