N79-3 XpeDater Base - (GREEN) Ink
This base is designed for permanent placement on a desk or count. This ink base is refillable and you can refill this ink base with Xstamper Refill Ink. Use of any other ink will void out the warranty.
Re-Inking Instructions: Remove the stamp from it's base. Place 3-4 drops of ink right onto the stamp pad. Leave the stamp off the base until the ink saturates into the stamp pad.
Recommendations: Re-ink your stamp pad overnight to allow the ink to fully absorb into the stamp pad.
Recommended Uses:
* N79 Xstamper XpeDater
* N89 Xstamper Dater
* Xstamper (Oil Based) Ink
* Warranty: For the Life of your XpeDater Year Bands